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  9. Yamauchi T, Hagino I, Kawamura K, Sato H (2013) Height growth spurt and nutritional status of Pygmy hunter-gatherers’ children in Cameroon. Conference Proceedings. 10th International Conference on Hunter-Gatherer Society.

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  11. Yamauchi T, Onishi H, Phonepadith X, Monely V (2006) Resting energy expenditure and physical activity level of rice farmers in Lao PDR during the post-harvest season. A Transdisciplinary Study on the Regional Eco-History in Tropical Monsoon Asia: 1945-2005, 208-218.

  12. Yamauchi T (2003) Time-space use and energetic adaptation among Papua New Guinea Highlanders: a comparative study between subsistence and cash economy. Anthropological Science, 111(4), 406.

  13. Yamauchi T (2003) Impact of development and cash economy on nutrition and health. Environment, Development and Culture in Asia-Pacific Societies, 6, 15-16.

  14. Yamauchi T (2002) Nutritional status and physical fitness of the Baka hunter-gatherers in the African rain forest. Anthropological Science, 110 (1): 66.

  15. Yamauchi T (2000) Energetics in Human Ecology and Biological Anthropology. Journal of Physiological Anthropology and Applied Human Science, 19 (2): 113.

  16. Yamauchi T (1998) Activity patterns of the Huli-speaking population: a comparative study of village dwellers and migrants in urban settlements. Anthropological Science, 106 (2): 191.

  17. Yamauchi T (1996) Free-living energy expenditure and time allocation of rural- and urban-dwelling Papua New Guinea Highlanders. Journal of Human Ergology,.