山内太郎(2023)「第1章 時とともにどのように変化したのか」『わかる公衆衛生学・たのしい公衆衛生学 第2版』丸井英二編, 弘文堂,pp. 2-13.
佐井旭・山内太郎(2023)「第4章 サニテーションと精神的健康」『講座サニテーション学4 サニテーションと健康』原田英典・山内太郎編,北海道大学出版会.
山内太郎(2023)「終章 将来のサニテーションと健康」『講座サニテーション学4 サニテーションと健康』原田英典・山内太郎編,北海道大学出版会.
佐藤寿実・佐井旭・山内太郎(2023)「コラム④ 適切な月経衛生対処(MHM)に影響を及ぼす要因:経済、衛生、社会文化の観点から」『講座サニテーション学2 社会・文化からみたサニテーション』中尾世治・牛島健編,北海道大学出版会.
Yamauchi T, Nakao S, Harada H, (Eds) (2022) The Sanitation Triangle: Socio-Culture, Health and Materials, Springer.
Yamauchi T (2022) Interactions between Health and Socio-Culture in Sanitation. The Sanitation Triangle: Socio-Culture, Health and Materials, Springer.
Yamauchi T, Otsuka Y, Agestika L (2022) Influence of water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) on children’s health in an urban slum in Indonesia. In Yamauchi T, Nakao S, Harada H, (Eds). The Sanitation Triangle: Socio-Culture, Health and Materials, Springer.
山内太郎(2022)「終章 人に寄り添うサニテーションとは」『講座サニテーション学5 サニテーションのしくみと共創』清水貴夫・牛島健・池見真由・林耕次編,北海道大学出版会.
原田英典, Sikopo Nyambe, 山内太郎(2022)「第8章 ザンビア:子どもと若者による水と衛生の参加型アクションリサーチ」『講座サニテーション学5 サニテーションのしくみと共創』清水貴夫・牛島健・池見真由・林耕次編,北海道大学出版会.
山内太郎(2022)「第5章 介入と社会変革」『講座サニテーション学1 総論 サニテーション学の構築』,山内太郎・中尾世治・原田英典編,北海道大学出版会.
片岡良美,山内太郎(2022)「「私」の問題から「私たち」の問題解決へ―ザンビアの子どもクラブのデジタル・ストーリーテリング」『地球問題を<見える化>する―映像・対話・協創』,近藤康久,ハイン・マレー編,昭和堂,pp. 99-110.
Nyambe S, Kataoka Y, Harada H, Yamauchi T (2022) Participatory Action Research for WASH by children and youth in peri-urban communities. In Yamauchi T, Harada H, (Eds). The Sanitation Triangle: Socio-Culture, Health and Materials, Springer.
Sai A, Yamauchi T (2022) Dirty Work Masculinity and Coping Strategies among Garbage Collectors. In D. Pompper (Ed.), Rhetoric of Masculinity: Male Body Image, and Gender Role Stress/Conflict, pp. 99-118. Lexington Books.
山内太郎(2022)「狩猟採集民の子どもはどのようにして大人になるのか」『関わる・認める』河合香吏編, 京都大学学術出版会,pp.63-93.
山内太郎(2020)「労働」『生理人類学―人の理解と日常の課題解決のために』安河内朗, 岩永光一 編, 理工図書,pp. 148-158.
山内太郎(2020)「北海道大学におけるアフリカ研究の紹介」『アフリカ/2020 AUTUMN No. 3/Vol. 60 』アフリカ協会,pp. 16-19.
山内太郎(2020)「47章 都市スラムの水とトイレ事情―未計画居住区におけるサニテーション課題」『ザンビアを知るための55章 ~エリア・スタディーズ』島田周平, 大山修一編, 明石出版,pp. 301-304.
山内太郎(2020)「コラム23 子どもクラブ アクション・リサーチ」『ザンビアを知るための55章 ~エリア・スタディーズ』島田周平,大山修一編,明石出版,pp. 305-307.
山内太郎(2020)「第1章 時とともにどのように変化したのか」『わかる公衆衛生学・たのしい公衆衛生学』丸井英二編, 弘文堂,pp. 2-12.
山内太郎(2015)「ヒューマンエコロジー Human Ecology」『アフリカ学事典』日本アフリカ学会編,昭和堂,pp. 544-545.
Yamauchi T*, Hagino I (2014) Estimation of the period of childhood and child growth characteristics of Pygmy hunter-gatherers in southeast Cameroonn. In: T Akazawa, N Ogihara, HC Tanabe, H Terashima (eds.), Dynamics of Learning in Neanderthals and Modern Humans, Vol. 2 Cognitive and Physical Perspectives. Springer, pp. 99-103.
Hagino I,Yamauchi T* (2014) Daily physical activity and time-space using of Pygmy hunter-gatherers’ children in southeast Cameroon. In: T Akazawa, N Ogihara, HC Tanabe, H Terashima (eds.), Dynamics of Learning in Neanderthals and Modern Humans, Vol. 2 Cognitive and Physical Perspectives. Springer, pp. 91-98.
山内太郎(2014)「ヒトとネアンデルタールの生活史と学習」『ホモ・サピエンスと旧人2―考古学からみた学習』六一書房,pp. 150-162.
山内太郎(2014)「余暇 Leisure」『人間科学の百科事典』日本生理人類学会編,丸善,pp. 426-428.
山内太郎(2014)「5.2 身体・栄養」『地球環境学マニュアル2―はかる・みせる・読みとく―』 朝倉書店,pp.84-85.
Amazon山内太郎(2008)「生業転換とライフスタイルの変容」『モンスーンアジアの生態史3 くらしと身体の生態史』弘文堂,pp.85-106.
Yamauchi T, Nambe S, Sai A (2023) Preface to the Proceedings of the Annual Conference 2022 of International Society for Sanitation Studies (ISSS). Sanitation, 7(3), pp1-2
DOI: 10.34416/sanitation.00010Rifqi MA, Hamidah U, Sai A, Sintawardani N, Yamauchi T (2023) Knowledge, awareness, and behaviour of handwashing during the Covid-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study among urban slum students in Indonesia. Sanitation, 7(3), pp12-13
DOI: 10.34416/sanitation.00015Zgambo J, Nyambe S, Yamauchi T (2023) Hand Hygiene Practices Beyond an Epidemic – An Outlook of the Peri-Urban in Lusaka, Zambia. Sanitation, 7(3), pp21
DOI: 10.34416/sanitation.00019Uz Zaman MN, Yamauchi T (2023) Hand Hygiene Knowledge and Practice by Nursing Students of Rajshahi Nursing College in Bangladesh. Sanitation, 7(3), pp22
DOI: 10.34416/sanitation.00020Sunazawa F, Sai A, Yamauchi T (2023) Menstrual attitude and knowledge of schoolgirls in the slum area of Bandung, Indonesia. Sanitation, 7(3), pp23
DOI: 10.34416/sanitation.00021Kakiyama K, Sai A, Yamauchi T (2023) Point-of-care-testing evaluated from a medical perspective to achieve sanitation improvements – A narrative review. Sanitation, 7(3), pp24
DOI: 10.34416/sanitation.00022Michinaka M, Sai A, Yamauchi T (2023) Fear of COVID-19 and its associated risks among people experiencing homelessness in Japan. Sanitation, 7(3), pp25
DOI: 10.34416/sanitation.00023Sambo J, Nyambe S, Yamauchi T (2023) Envisioning Menstrual Hygiene and Sanitation Practices: Experiences of Adolescent Schoolgirls in the Peri-urban Settings of Lusaka, Zambia. Sanitation, 7(3), pp26
DOI: 10.34416/sanitation.00024Mambwe E, Mwelwa S, Nyambe S, Yamauchi T (2023) Improve Civic Awareness and Participation in Water, Sanitation, Hygiene, and Waste Management of Children and Youths in Lusaka, Zambia. Sanitation. 7(3). pp29
DOI: 10.34416/sanitation.00027Yamauchi T (2014) Evolution of Learning Capacity and Acquired Behaviors of Modern Humans From the Perspective of Life History and Brain Development. Conference Proceedings. The Second International Conference on Replacement of Neanderthals by Modern Humans: Testing Evolutionary Models of Learning.
Kon S, Lekprichakul T, Yamauchi T (2012) Nutrient intake, physical activity, and travel patterns of adults living in contrasting ecological zones in rural Zambia during the less labor-intensive season for farming. Working Paper on Social-Ecological Resilience Series No. 2012-017, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Kyoto.
Yamauchi T, Kubo H, Kon S, Lekprichakul T, T. Sakurai T, Kanno H (2011) Growth and nutritional status of Tonga children in rural Zambia: Longitudinal growth monitoring over 26 Months. Vulnerability and Resilience of Social-Ecological Systems, FY2010 FR4 Project Report, 104-111.
Kon S, Lekprichakul T, Yamauchi T (2011) Nutrient intake, physical activity, and behavioral patterns of adults living in three contrasting ecological zones in rural Zambia. Vulnerability and Resilience of Social-Ecological Systems, FY2010 FR4 Project Report, 112-122.
Sakurai T, Nasuda A, Kitsuki A, Miura K, Yamauchi T, Kanno H (2011) Vulnerability and resilience of household consumption and their determinants: the case of the Southern Province of Zambia. Vulnerability and Resilience of Social-Ecological Systems FY2010 FR4 Project Report, 48-62.
Kanno H, Shimono H, Sakurai T, Yamauchi T (2011) Analysis of meteorological measurements made over three rainy seasons in Sinazongwe District, Zambia. Vulnerability and Resilience of Social-Ecological Systems, FY2010 FR4 Project Report, 123-135.
Yamauchi T, Kon S (2010) Variation in the nutritional status of adults living in contrasting ecological zones in the southern province of Zambia. Vulnerability and Resilience of Social-Ecological Systems, FY2009 FR3 Project Report, 45-52.
Yamauchi T, Ishimori D, Nakazawa M, Kawabe T, Ohtsuka R (2009)Influence of socioeconomic and genetic factors on the growth and nutritional status of Pacific Islander adolescents. In: K Ashizawa, N Cameron (eds.), Human Growth in a Changing Lifestyle, Smith-Gordon, London. pp. 47-56.
Yamauchi T, Hayashi K, Kawamura K, Sato H (2009) Nutritional Status, Physical Activity, and Dietary Intake of Pygmy Huntergatherers in Cameroon. In: T Louts, M Reitenbach, J Molenbroek (eds.), Human Diversity: Design For Life. 9th International Congress of Physiological Anthropology Proceedings, Delft University of Technology, Delft. pp. 78-81.
Yamauchi T (2009) Growth and nutritional status of children and adults living in contrasting ecological zones in the southern province of Zambia. Vulnerability and Resilience of Social-Ecological Systems, FY2008 FR2 Project Report, 41-49.
Yamauchi T (2008) Training local health assistants for a community health survey in Zambia: Longitudinal monitoring of growth and nutrition of children. Vulnerability and Resilience of Social-Ecological Systems, FY2007 FR1 Project Report, 60-65.
Tanaka T, Kawabe T, Ohzeki T, Yamauchi T, Tachibana K, Kanzaki S, Hanaki K, Yokoya S, Takai S, Kinugasa A, Sugihara S (2008) Meeting Report: XI International Congress of AUXOLOGY, September 9-12, 2007, Tokyo, Japan. Pediatric Endocrinology Reviews, 5(3),805-809.
Lee JS, Kawakubo K, Kondo K, Akabayashi A, Kataoka Y, Asami Y, Mori K, Umezaki M, Yamauchi T, Takagi H, Shimomitsu T, Inoue S, Sunagawa H (2007) Neighbourhood environment and leisure-time physical activity in residents of the Tokyo Metoropolitan area. Movement & Health 2007, paper CD No, 25, 1-6.
Kondo K, Lee JS, Kawakubo K, Mori K, Kataoka Y, Asami Y, Akabayashi A, Umezaki M, Yamauchi T, Takagi H, Shimomitsu T, Inoue S, Sunagawa H (2007) Relationship between physical activity and neighborhood environment in two different rural areas in Japan. Movement & Health 2007, paper CD No, 21, 1-6.
Yamauchi T (2007) Modernization, nutritional adaptability, and health in Papua New Guinean Highlanders and Solomon Islanders. In: R. Ohtsuka, S. J. Ulijaszek (eds.), Health Change in the Asia-Pacific Region, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. pp.101-126.
Yamauchi T (2007) Longitudinal monitoring survey on the growth and nutritional status of children in Zambia: Assessment of the impact of drought on the health and nutritional status of children. Vulnerability and Resilience of Social-Ecological Systems, FY2006 PR Profect Report, 27-32.
Yamauchi T (2005) Nutritional status and physical activity among East Asian urban school children. Obesity reviews, 6 Suppl., 136.
Yamauchi T, Ishimori D, and Ohtsuka R (2004) Growth and nutritional status of adolescents in the Solomon Islands: Effects of genetic and socio-economic factors. In X International Congress of Auxology Abstracts, Human Growth in Sickness and in Health. Kleine Schnel, Firenze, pp. 50
Yamauchi T and Ohtsuka R (2003) Gender differences in rural-urban migrants and changing physical activity among Papua New Guinea Highlanders. Finnish Sports and Exercise Medicine. E-Magazine. T (2001) Impact of microenvironment on food security and nutritional adaptation in the Tari Basin. In R.M. Bourke, M.G. Allen and J.G. Salisbury (eds.), Food Security for Papua New Guinea. Proceedings of the Papua New Guinea Food and Nutrition 2000 Conference, PNG University of Technology, Lae, 26-30 June 2000. ACIAR Proceedings No. 99, pp. 443-450.